Resolving issues and accelerating performance for global carriers


Global Solutions Council (GSC) (formerly the Global Settlements Carrier Group or GSC Group) was created in January 2003 by a collective of leading Carriers dedicated to meeting increased demand for flexible global electronic information exchange, billing and settlement standardization and best practices business process development to accelerate commercial resolution and performance.


The outstanding success of the inaugural meeting of the GSC Group in Singapore (March 2003) revealed an untapped demand among Telecommunications Carriers for a global forum dedicated to discussing issues and agreeing on new standards for international billing and settlements. The highly successful Vancouver meeting (October 2003) encouraged more Carriers to join as GSC members.

The Paris meeting (April 2004) was well received and confirmed continued Carrier interest in expanding on guidelines development. Along with the Paris meeting, the Hong Kong gathering (March 2005) enabled GSC Group to move forward with establishing guidelines for key areas including Complex Swap Deals, Dispute Resolution, Credit Management, Full Invoicing and Net Settlement.

GSC has become integral to driving Resolution Intelligence, Standards Unification, and Confidence in Confidentiality to shape the resolution, evolution and transformation roadmap for the communications industry. Carriers from all continents have enthusiastically embraced GSC’s efforts in addition to the ITU/TSB/ITU Study Group 3, which invited our organization to cooperate as a key contributor to its activities. The Membership continues to grow rapidly worldwide to address some of the most pressing commercial challenges faced by Carriers.


GSC aims to be the reference for commercial resolution in the communications industry. Our mission is to provide the blueprint and advance the processes, best practices and tools that foster resolution. 

We help maintain, protect and improve health and profitability in telecom relationships.


Joining GSC gives Carriers access to valuable information enabling cost savings through process automation, business process transformation, cost-cutting measures, revenue assurance, benchmarking and information exchange.

Members meet on a regular basis to advance six key workstream focus areas: Fraud PreventionBilling & SettlementsBill-to-CashDispute ManagementOBR Standardization and Credit Management, as well as a broad range of trending topics affecting the industry. Key priorities are information exchange of billing document accuracy, greater awareness and enhanced communication and relations between partners for accelerated resolution and settlement.

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Developing guidance for voice price-list implementation, particularly A-number pricing integration, to ensure best approach for price-list management and solution development. 

Council Team


Lyn Du

GSC Chairperson

Telstra International


Debdatta Mallick

GSC Council Member

PCCW Global


Paul Fedarb

GSC Council Member